
Ads & Emotions

Measure the emotional impact of advertising campaigns through facial recognition technology. This software gives insight into the target audience’s levels of emotional activation and engagement, helping gauge its strengths and weaknesses.

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Use facial recognition technology in real-time focus groups to measure participant moods, emotional activation, and the overall impact of different topics through an emotional profile to better understand the impacts of group discussions.

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User Experience

Determine the emotional impact of specific interface elements by measuring user activation, engagement and experience while using the interface.

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Product testing

Gauge the emotional and unconscious responses of consumers to a particular product to predict the success of a new release or introduce improvements to existing products.

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Emotional branding impact

Discover the emotional impact of a brand, packaging design, or advertising message, using eye-tracking technology to measure areas of focus and associated emotions with brand elements.

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Additional features

Use our facial emotion recognition and eye tracking technology to understand how people feel in real life and real time


Emotional analytics

We measure the 6 basic emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, sadness and the absence of any emotion which is neutrality.


Emotional metrics

We measure 4 emotional metrics which are: satisfaction, activation, engagement and experience.


Eye Tracking

Know where the user is paying attention and examine the heatmap.



9 types of customizable questions for surveys: basic text, numeric, selector, date, opinion scale, yes/no, image selector, rating and multiple selector.



They are a stable emotional attitude, lasting and prolonged over time. There are 8 main moods: exuberant, dependent, relaxed, docile, hostile, anxious, disdainful and bored.

Steve Machin

Professor of Economics/LSE

Eyes4Research provided outstanding support managing a large scale survey we conducted in the United Kingdom. The team works with high professional standards, competency and provided timely delivery throughout the project.”

Medona Joseph

VP/JP Morgan Chase

The team at Eyes4Research worked with me not only for getting consensus on the presentation, but also accommodated my inclusion criteria without hesitation. Additionally, I loved the dashboard and the features available for reporting.”

Steve Anderson

President/Tru RX

We have used eyes4research for a number of internal product and marketing projects. We have found their services to be professional, accommodating and responsive. The quality of their audience is top notch and their data is very reliable.”

Dominique Jones

UI/UX iRobot

The team at Eyes4Research provided us with quick answers to complicated questions. Their personal support allows us to launch surveys at short notice, while the online dashboard makes it easy to analyze responses and visualize the results.”

Jim Kitchens

Founder/Kitchens Group

After working with the team from eyes4research, we decided to move all our survey research to online, and now we are able to conduct research fast, less expensive, and with more accurate samples than ever in our business history.”

Steve machin
Madonna joseph
Steve anderson
Dominique jones
Jim kitchens